A busy trip today, as we went through 7 different locks. One brought us down so we could pass under a bridge. We were traveling at the same pace as another boat and they were our "lock buddies" along the way. We went through a few lakes and canals along the way today. The water level seems low. At one point our depth sounder read 4'4' and we draw 4'6" There were a couple times going through Lake Mitchell and under a bridge "The Hole in the Wall" that we heard some bumps along the way.

We stopped one lock short of where we had intended to go because there was no room at that lock to pull along side of the lock wall for the night. The lock master at Rosedale lock was very helpful and asked a few boaters at that lock to move up there boats so we could fit in. The boaters at the lock were very friendly and helpful and some spent some time going over charts to show him future anchorages.