Ottawa’s flight of 8 locks today. We got up early to be first in line to go down the locks. At 9am the lockmaster came and told us they were taking the boats up that were at the bottom of the lock first and we had to wait 2 hours.

We went out in search of pastries for Kevin, saw a little more of the city and saw the beginning of the changing of the guard at the lawn of the Parliament building.

The other boats weren’t quite through the locks when we got back and we began our journey down at around 11:30.

There are a lot of spectators along side of the locks when you go down. They ask all kinds of questions and share some of their experiences boating. It is kind of fun.

We got down through the locks at around 1:30pm and headed to a marina about 4 hours away.

We stayed at a marina that was a Fairmont property. The main buildings were a lodge built by the. Canadian Pacific Railroad as a Sportsman’s Club.

It claims to be the biggest log cabin in the world. We wandered around the property and had a nice dinner at their restaurant. Now that we are in Quebec, we are also getting used to French being spoken as the main language:)